Breaking News
Sunday, January 12, 2014


3:15 PM
Owning a home is everyone's dream. For those who have excess money, it is bought in cash will be more profitable.

However, for those who depend on monthly salaries, repay a home is an easy step to owning their own home.

Installment house, does not mean having to spend your paycheck every month. Not funny if every month we can only pay slips, while almost all of the money you spent on the mortgage.

Here's a tip from Mike Rini healthy financing, a financial planner :

  1. The total amount of mortgage debt (as a whole) do not exceed one third of the revenue, so the cost of daily operations are not disrupted.
  2. If insufficient income, the mortgage can be commuted to a large extend credit. Example from 5 years to 10 years.
  3. Remember, the banks only helps 80 % of the value of the house Appraisal. You must prepare the remaining 20% ​​as a down payment (DP) + 10% longer to pay the notary fees and taxes. Prepare these funds to save the previous 1-3 years. To be faster, concentrate bonus, and your additional income for these savings .
  4. If possible , Negotiate with the landlord so that you can pay in installments DP anyway.


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