Breaking News
Friday, January 10, 2014


2:38 PM

Some people, in fact there is nothing like the arrangement of ethnic-style house. With proper arrangement and design, ethnic real space can also look attractive.

For you fans of ethnic goods with antique design, the following tips and tricks to hunt for antiques furniture :

  • Be diligent to visit places selling antiques. It is intended that you can compare the prices so you do not easily duped sellers.
  • Make sure you know the size of the space in your home. The point , if there are items that you like , you can already predict whether the item can be accommodated in the house or not. If not, do not force to buy.
  • To produce the perfect antique furniture, multiply visited places, such as hotels or restaurants that antique design . This will add your reference in arranging the interior of antiques in your home.
  • Purchase antiques during the day. Why ? Due to the quality and color of antiques will be more visible during the day than night.


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