Breaking News
Friday, December 27, 2013


3:50 PM

Now, nearly all home has a carport . Carport is an open area in front of the house to keep the vehicle in order to avoid exposure to rain and other weather erratic .

Increasingly limited land are now made ​​to be more popular than the carport car garage . Its various forms also makes the carport to be a part of the facade that also enhance the appearance of the house.

When creating a carport at home , there are several considerations that should be done and should not be done .

DO :

  1. Making one car carport measuring at least 2.5 x 4.6 meters , the distance the car to the gate at least 50 cm .
  2. Designing for the disposal of drainage water so that the water does not inundate and destroy the carport floor .
  3. Choosing a flooring material that anti-slippery like natural stone or concrete brush .
  4. Customizing the design house design carport .
  5. Despite a limited budget , still comply with the general provisions in order to remain strong and secure carport.


  1. Creating a carport in front of the main door so disrupt the aesthetic and circulation in and out.
  2. Carport left without a roof so the weather can damage car paint .
  3. Material that is too heavy to wear as a carport roof material .
  4. Forgetting the foundation Rollag , made ​​on the floor of the carport and garden borders to strengthen the soil bearing capacity.


  1. Thanks for the valuable tips on Carport. Presence of a designing carport at home yard can bring some change in scenic view.

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